- Chemical Name: Adipic Acid
- Chemical Formula: C3H6O
- CAS Number: 67-64-1
Chemical Name:
Chemical Formula: C6 H10 O4
CAS Number: 124-04-9
Physical Properties
- Appearance: Colorless liquid
- Odor: Sweet, pungent odor
- Boiling Point: 56.05 °C (132.89 °F)
- Melting Point: -94.7 °C (-138.5 °F)
- Density: Approximately 0.784 g/cm³ at 20 °C
- Flash Point: -20 °C (-4 °F)
- Vapor Pressure: 180 mmHg at 20 °C (68 °F)
- Solvent: Widely used as a solvent in nail polish removers, paint thinners, and for cleaning purposes.
- Industrial Use: Utilized in the production of plastics, fibers, and pharmaceuticals.
- Laboratory: Commonly used in labs for various chemical reactions and analyses.
- Adhesives: Used in formulations for glues and adhesives.